Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency

  1. Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency Diet
  2. My Tongue Cracked Vitamin Deficiency
  3. Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency Treatment

A vitamin deficiency can also cause a fissured tongue. Your body will notify you when it’s lacking in certain nutrients, and this is one way it does so. Specifically, a fissured tongue can be caused by a vitamin B deficiency. There’s a good reason your doctor checks your tongue during annual visits! Vitamin B-3 Deficiency Niacin, or vitamin B-3, is another B-complex vitamin needed for healthy skin. Insufficient dietary niacin, may result in dry, cracked lips, dermatitis and red, swollen tongue and mouth, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency. Deficiencies or poor absorption of certain vitamins in your body can cause your tongue to develop various symptoms like cracks, soreness, and loss of papillae, ulcers or a burning sensation. Deficiencies of B vitamin is the main cause of various tongue problems. Skin Rashes – Vitamin B2 Deficiency. Riboflavin is involved in the production of energy from food and plays a part in keeping your skin and vision healthy. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause redness and cracks in the corner of your mouth and your tongue as well as a skin rash. Airxonix online.

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is one of eight vitamins in the B complex group. Even though it was discovered in 1932, scientists are still learning new things about it.

Most people get enough B6 in their diet, but if you are deficient in other B complex vitamins, such as folate and B12, you’re more likely to be deficient in vitamin B6 as well (1).

Vitamin B6 deficiency is more common in people with liver, kidney, digestive or autoimmune diseases, as well as smokers, obese people, alcoholics and pregnant women (2, 3, 4).


In your body, B6 is involved in more than 150 enzyme reactions. These help your body process the protein, carbs and fat you eat. B6 is also closely linked with the functions of your nervous and immune systems (3, 5, 6).

More recently, it’s been found that B6 has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This means that it may play a role in helping prevent chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer (5, 7, 8).

Here are 9 signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is one cause of a red, itchy rash called seborrheic dermatitis.

The rash can appear on your scalp, face, neck and upper chest. It’s known for its oily, flaky appearance and may cause swelling or white patches (9).

One reason B6 deficiency may result in skin rashes is that the vitamin helps synthesize collagen, which is needed for healthy skin. In these cases, consuming B6 may clear up the rash quickly (10, 11).

Some people affected with seborrheic dermatitis may have higher requirements for B6. A B6 face cream has helped some people improve symptoms from seborrheic dermatitis (12).

Summary An itchy, oily and flaky rash is a common sign of B6 deficiency. Consuming enough B6 generally helps clear up the rash quickly in cases of deficiency.

Cheilosis, which is characterized by sore, red and swollen lips with cracked mouth corners, can result from B6 deficiency. Cracked areas may bleed and become infected.

In addition to being very painful, having cracked and sore lips can make activities like eating and talking difficult.

Correcting B6 deficiency with foods rich in the vitamin or a supplement may clear up these symptoms.

Notably, deficiencies of riboflavin, folate, iron and other nutrients can also cause this condition, as can sunny, dry or windy weather and other external factors (13, 14).

Summary Sore lips with cracks in the corners of your mouth can be a sign of B6 deficiency. If that’s the case, getting enough B6 through food or a supplement could heal your lips.

If you have a B6 deficiency, your tongue may become swollen, sore, smooth, inflamed or reddened. This is called glossitis.

The glossy, smooth surface of the tongue is due to the loss of papillae. Those are the bumps on your tongue. Glossitis can cause problems chewing, swallowing and talking.

Replenishing B6 treats glossitis, provided that a deficiency is the only cause.

Deficiencies of other nutrients, including folate and B12, can also result in this condition. Consuming enough of all these vitamins may then be needed to clear up glossitis (15).

Summary A swollen, inflamed, glossy-looking tongue is a sign of B6 deficiency. Shortfalls of other nutrients, particularly folate and B12, may also contribute to the condition.

Shortfalls of B6 may affect your mood, sometimes contributing to depression, anxiety, irritability and increased feelings of pain (16).

That’s because B6 is involved in the making of several neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Both serotonin and GABA help control anxiety, depression and feelings of pain.

The role of B6 in combating such mood issues is being tested in a variety of conditions.

For example, in about half of individuals with autism, supplementing with B6 helps decrease behavioral problems, possibly because it helps produce neurotransmitters (17).

Research also suggests that taking 50–80 mg of B6 supplements daily may help with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as moodiness, irritability, anxiety and depression (18, 19).

Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency Diet

One possible reason B6 may help with PMS is because it helps make serotonin, which lifts your mood. Scientists are doing more research to figure out if women who experience PMS may actually have vitamin and mineral deficiencies (19, 20, 21).

Summary Mood changes like irritability, anxiety and depression can happen when you’re low in B6. That’s because B6 is needed to make nerve messengers that help control your mood.

A well-working immune system is key to preventing infections, inflammation and various cancers. Nutrient deficiencies, including B6, can disrupt the immune system.

More specifically, a deficiency in B6 can result in the decreased production of antibodies needed to fight infections (22).

A B6 deficiency may also reduce your body’s production of white blood cells, including T cells. These cells regulate immune function, helping it respond appropriately.

Additionally, B6 helps your body make a protein called interleukin-2, which helps direct the actions of white blood cells (23).

People with autoimmune disorders (in which the immune system turns against itself), can have increased destruction of B6, which increases the need for the vitamin (2).

Summary If you don’t get enough B6, your body can’t make the antibodies, white blood cells and other immune factors it needs to fight germs and ward off diseases.

A vitamin B6 deficiency can leave you feeling unusually tired and sluggish.

A big reason is vitamin B6’s role in helping make hemoglobin. That’s the protein in your red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout your body.

If your cells don’t get enough oxygen as a result of too little hemoglobin, it’s called anemia. That can make you feel tired and weak.

There have been select cases of B6-related anemia in which taking the inactive pyridoxine hydrochloride (HCl) form of the vitamin didn’t help. However, supplementing with the body’s most active form of B6, called pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (PLP), resolved the anemia (16).

You can buy either form of B6 as a supplement, but pyridoxine HCl is more common and generally costs less than PLP.Besides feeling tired from anemia, B6 deficiency could also potentially contribute to tiredness due to its role in making the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin (24, 25).
Summary Vitamin B6 is needed to help make the red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout your body and help you feel energized.

Deficiency of B6 can cause nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy.

Symptoms may include burning, shooting and tingling pain in your arms, legs, hands and feet. Some describe it as a “pins and needles” feeling.

The nerve damage may also result in clumsiness, balance problems and difficulty walking (26).

Additionally, continually taking too much of the inactive form of B6 (pyridoxine HCl) from supplements can also cause neuropathy. This may happen because large amounts of inactive B6 can compete with and block the active PLP form of B6 in your body (27).

Nerve problems from B6 deficiency are reversible with adequate B6 intake. On the other hand, nerve problems from B6 toxicity may be more difficult to treat.

Summary Burning, shooting pains in your limbs, hands and feet can be caused by nerve damage from B6 deficiency or overdose.

Seizures happen for different reasons, including B6 deficiency.

Without enough B6, you don’t make adequate amounts of the calming neurotransmitter GABA, so your brain may become overstimulated.

Seizures can cause symptoms such as muscle spasms, rolling eyes and jerky arms or legs. Sometimes people have rapid, uncontrollable shaking (convulsions) or lose consciousness.

A deficiency of B6 is well-known to cause seizures in newborns. The first cases were noted in the 1950s when babies were fed infant formula with insufficient B6 (26).

More recently, seizures due to B6 deficiency have been reported in adults. These cases were most commonly found in pregnancy, alcoholism, medication interactions or liver disease (6, 28).

Correcting B6 deficiency has proven very successful in treating related seizures.

Summary Seizures are an uncommon but possible result of B6 deficiency. This is more frequently seen in infants but has happened in adults as well.

Homocysteine is a byproduct created during protein digestion.

A B6 deficiency, as well as folate and B12, can result in an abnormally high blood level of homocysteine, as these B vitamins are needed to help process homocysteine (29).

Increased homocysteine levels have been linked with several health issues, most notably heart disease and stroke, as well as Alzheimer’s disease. When homocysteine is elevated, it can damage blood vessels and nerves (30, 31, 32, 33).

Fortunately, your homocysteine level can be checked with a simple blood test. Generally, elevated homocysteine can be lowered by taking B6, B12 and folate supplements.

Just keep in mind that other factors, such as your eating habits and physical activity, are also typically involved in diseases linked with high homocysteine and must be addressed.

Summary A deficiency of B6, as well as folate and B12, may cause a high homocysteine level, which can damage blood vessels and nerves and increase the risk of disease.

Your body isn’t able to store very much B6. To avoid deficiency, you need to consume it on a regular basis.

This is generally not hard to do, as B6 is widely found in many animal and plant foods. In addition, it’s often added to fortified foods like breakfast cereals and nutrition bars.

The reference daily intake (RDI) for vitamin B6 for non-pregnant adults is 1.7 mg (34).

Here are some of the top foods that naturally supply B6, as well as common serving sizes (35):

FoodServing Size% RDI
Skinless turkey breast, roasted3 oz (85 g)40%
Pork loin, roasted3 oz (85 g)33%
Halibut, cooked3 oz (85 g)32%
Sirloin steak, broiled3 oz (85 g)29%
Skinless chicken breast, cooked3 oz (85 g)26%
Wild-caught coho salmon, cooked3 oz (85 g)24%
BananaMedium-sized (118 g)22%
Baked potato with skinSmall (138 g)21%
Roasted pistachios1 oz (28 g)19%
Sweet red pepper slices, raw1 cup (92 g)16%
Prunes1/4 cup (33 g)14%
Frozen Brussels sprouts, boiled1/2 cup (78 g)13%
Sunflower seeds, roasted1 oz (28 g)11%
Avocado1/2 fruit (68 g)11%
Lentils, boiled1/2 cup (99 g)10%

Notably, the forms of B6 in animal sources and fortified foods and supplements are generally better absorbed than the form found in plant foods.

If you eat only plant foods, you may need more B6 to make up for this difference (36).

Summary If you regularly eat a variety of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes, you can easily meet your vitamin B6 needs.

Vitamin B6 doesn’t receive a lot of fanfare, but it’s a very hard-working nutrient.

Possible signs and symptoms of B6 deficiency include skin rashes, cracked lip corners, a glossy tongue, mood changes, impaired immune function, tiredness, nerve pain, seizures and elevated homocysteine levels.

If you’re concerned you may not be getting enough B6 or may have a deficiency, talk to your doctor to determine the best course of action.

Fortunately, B6 deficiency is generally easy to avoid as long as you have healthy eating habits that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats and fish.

In some cases, a vitamin B6 supplement may be advised as well.


What vitamin deficiency causes burning mouth?

Being deficient in nutrients, such as iron, zinc, folate (vitamin B-9), thiamin (vitamin B-1), riboflavin (vitamin B-2), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and cobalamin (vitamin B-12), may affect your oral tissues and cause a burning mouth. These deficiencies can also lead to vitamin deficiency anemia.
  • What is oral anxiety?

    'Oral health problems associated with anxiety disorders include canker sores, dry mouth, lichen planus (a common disease affecting the skin and oral mucous membranes), burning mouth syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorders,' says lead report author James W. Little, DMD.
  • How do you get your mouth to stop burning?

    Don't Feel The Burn: 5 Best Remedies To Cool Your Tongue After Eating Spicy Food
    1. Drink a glass of milk. When it comes to relief from spicy foods, dairy, especially plain-old milk, does your hot mouth some good.
    2. Drink alcohol.
    3. Take a teaspoon of sugar.
    4. Eat some milk chocolate.
    5. Chew on a slice of bread.
  • What is thrust on the tongue?

    Tongue thrust (also called reverse swallow or immature swallow) is the common name of orofacial muscular imbalance, a human behavioral pattern in which the tongue protrudes through the anterior incisors during swallowing, during speech, and while the tongue is at rest.

Can vitamin D deficiency cause burning mouth syndrome?

You also can develop mouth sores when you do not consume enough of the vitamins B12 and B2. A diet lacking or low in vitamin D will cause burning mouth syndrome. Symptoms of this condition include a burning mouth sensation, a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth, and dry mouth.
  • Can a dentist tell if you have oral cancer?

    Oral Cancer. The first sign of oral cancer is often a small red or white spot or sore in the mouth. Also, be sure to tell your dentist if you've noticed symptoms like a sore in your mouth that doesn't heal, a lump, or pain or numbness anywhere in your mouth or on your lips.
  • Is oral cancer is curable?

    Oral cancer is common. If a doctor finds and treats it early, it is very curable. A doctor or dentist can usually spot oral cancer with a routine mouth exam. Of all people who get oral cancer, the majority smoke or use tobacco.
  • What are the early signs of tongue cancer?

    • Persistent tongue and/or jaw pain.
    • A lump or thickening in the inside the mouth.
    • A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, tonsil or lining of the mouth.
    • A sore throat or persistent feeling that something is caught in the throat.
    • Difficulty swallowing or chewing.

What vitamin deficiency causes sores on tongue?

The most common cause of a smooth tongue is the use of dentures. Nutritional deficiencies include iron, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency will also make the tongue sore and beefy-red in color. Glossitis, by causing swelling of the tongue, may also cause the tongue to appear smooth.

What does cancer in the mouth look like when it starts?

In the early stages, mouth cancer rarely causes any pain. Abnormal cell growth usually appears as flat patches. A canker sore looks like an ulcer, usually with a depression in the center. The middle of the canker sore may appear white, gray, or yellow, and the edges are red.

What does a beefy red tongue mean?

Glossitis can mean soreness of the tongue, or more usually inflammation with depapillation of the dorsal surface of the tongue (loss of the lingual papillae), leaving a smooth and erythematous (reddened) surface, (sometimes specifically termed atrophic glossitis).

Can lack of iron cause dry mouth?

Low hemoglobin in iron deficiency can cause the tongue to become pale, while lower levels of myoglobin can cause it to become sore, smooth and swollen. Iron deficiency can also cause dry mouth, sore red cracks at the corners of the mouth or mouth ulcers (17).

How does a healthy tongue look like?

My Tongue Cracked Vitamin Deficiency

For clues about problems in your mouth, stick out your tongue and look in the mirror. A healthy tongue should be pink and covered with small nodules (papillae). Any deviation from your tongue's normal appearance, or any pain, may be cause for concern.

What does it mean when you have cracks in your tongue?

Fissured tongue is a benign condition affecting the top surface of the tongue. The exact cause of fissured tongue isn't known. However, researchers believe it may occur as a result of an underlying syndrome or condition, such as malnutrition, infection, or Down syndrome.

What is scalloping of the tongue?

Crenated tongue (also called scalloped tongue, pie crust tongue, lingua indentata, or crenulated tongue) is a descriptive term for the appearance of the tongue when there are indentations along the lateral borders (the sides), as the result of compression of the tongue against the adjacent teeth.

What is thrush mouth and what does it look like?

White, slightly raised areas in your mouth are common signs of thrush. They're usually found on your tongue or inner cheeks. They can also appear on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or the back of your throat. These areas may look like cottage cheese.

Why do I have a white tongue?

Causes. White tongue is the result of an overgrowth and swelling of the fingerlike projections (papillae) on the surface of your tongue. The appearance of a white coating is caused by debris, bacteria and dead cells getting lodged between the enlarged and sometimes inflamed papillae.

Is thrush in the mouth contagious?

Oral thrush, a fungal infection, is not considered contagious. The causative fungus, Candida albicans, is often already a natural inhabitant of the mouth and throat. When the oral environment changes (usually due to an immature or depressed immune system), the fungus can multiply and cause symptoms.

How do you get rid of ulcers on your tongue?

  1. Avoid spicy and sour foods until the ulcers heal.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Regularly rinse your mouth out with warm, slightly salted water.
  4. Keep your mouth clean.
  5. Take pain-relieving medication, such as paracetamol.
  6. Apply antiseptic gel to the ulcers.
  7. Use a medicated mouthwash.

Why is my tongue swollen?

An enlarged or swollen tongue can also occur as an allergic reaction to medications or other substances. In this case, the swelling is due to fluid accumulation in the tissues of the tongue, medically known as angioedema. A dramatically swollen tongue can lead to breathing problems and may be a medical emergency.

What does an ulcer in the mouth look like?

No one knows what causes these small, painful blisters inside your mouth. Triggers include hypersensitivity, infection, hormones, stress, and not getting enough of some vitamins. Also called aphthous ulcers, canker sores can show up on the tongue, cheek, even your gums. They usually last a week or two.

What is mapped tongue?

Geographic tongue is the name of a condition that gets its name from its map-like appearance on the upper surface and sides of the tongue. It may occur in other areas of your mouth, as well. Two other names for geographic tongue are benign migratory glossitis and erythema migrans.

What causes canker sores in the mouth?

Multiple factors may cause canker sores, including injury to the mouth, acidic or spicy foods, vitamin deficiencies, hormones, stress, or autoimmune disorders. Canker sores are not the same thing as fever blisters (cold sores). Most canker sores require no treatment and heal on their own.

Cracked Tongue Vitamin Deficiency Treatment


What is a canker sore on tongue?

Canker sore. Canker sores occur singly or in clusters on the inside surfaces of your cheeks or lips, on or under your tongue, at the base of your gums, or on your soft palate. They usually have a white or yellow center and a red border and can be extremely painful.

Updated: 27th September 2018