M1 Tank Platoon Download

Ever Since Battlezone (The Original arcade game, not Activision's action/strategy hybrid) blasted onto the scene way back in the 1970s, gamers the world over have been hooked on tank games.

M1 TANK PLATOON 2. M1TP2v1-2 patch Please Unzip the M1TP2v1-2.zip file directly into the M1 directory. This document addresses issues from M1 Tank Platoon II, including fixed bugs, altered controls, and new additions to the game. M1 Tank Platoon 2 is a ground warfare simulation following in the footsteps of its predecessor. MicroProse's design and engineering team, led by M1's original creator, Scott Spanburg, has reconstructed the M1A2 with breathtaking accuracy.

A decade later, when the original MI Tank Platoon stormed onto the scene in I 989, it set a new benchmark for ground war simulations, winning numerous awards and a place in the hearts of dynamic war game fans.

Now, almost another decade later, MicroProse are about to release the sequel, with the promise that it will blast the opposition into oblivion.

We first caught sight of Ml Tank Platoon II almost a year ago, at E3 in Atlanta. It was tucked away in a corner, vying for attention next to some alpha code of the glorious Falcon 4.0, the licence to print money that is Starship Troopers, and a rather different-looking X-COM game that we later discovered was to be called Interceptor. At first, we assumed we were looking at a rolling rendered sequence, something pretty that the artists had put together for the show. Closer investigation proved that what we were gawping at was, in fact, in-game code. It was quite a step up from the graphical standard of the first game, to say the least

More recently, we were given the opportunity to sit down in front of some beta code in the company of MVs original visionary and creator, Scott Spanberg, who took us through some of the earlier missions and explained why MI Tank Platoon II will roll over every other tank game developed thus far.

Usmc Tank Platoon

From the offset, it's clear that MI Tank II is very much a sim. more akin to a modern-day flight sim than something I ike NovaLogic's Armored Fist II. Download custom ui editor. 'We wanted to recreate the modern battlefield in exacting detail,' explains Scott 'We've managed to reconstruct the MI A2 with breathtaking accuracy, and applied the same levels of detail to other vehicles and the terrain. We want the player to appreciate exactly what it's like to be in the middle of a war zone.'

From what we've seen so far. graphically MI Tank II will not disappoint, as long as the now prerequisite 3Dfx card is in evidence. That said, Scott is keen to point out that unlike some other graphically charged pixel-fests, MI Tank 2 will not be what we call at Zone a 'fur coat, no knickers' experience. The idea is to create a campaign world that is fully active and reactive to the player's actions. 'As the player attacks and destroys enemy targets, their effects on future actions will be taken into account, just as it would in a real campaign,' claims Scott. 'Also, the active world is not just limited to the player's actions. Targets will also be destroyed by opposing units, and some of them will have the ability to repair themselves if they're not fully destroyed.'Our ultimate aim is to create a dynamic environment that encourages the player to feel like he's actually taking part inongoing war effort. What he the decisions he makes and how successful he is will affect the course of future missions and ultimately the whole campaign.'


While the campaign mode promises to be a bit Special, the single-battle mode looks to be just as immersive. Players will be able to select to fight randomly generated battles against front-line Russian forces, or opt to engage the enemy in prebuilt missions based on battles fought in the Gulf War or Nato-Warsaw Pact confrontations. There will also be a Battle Builder mode that will enable players to construct and design their own battles, with several campaign areas to choose from, including Morth Africa, Ukraine, the Far East and Korea. Each area will be faithfully recreated in glorious 3D, and players will be encouraged to use the terrain and natural features, such as trees, for cover.

Scott's also very proud of what the team have accomplished with the game's artificial intelligence. 'Success on the battlefield depends on constant reassessment of a situation and a measured reaction to the enemy's action. Players will need to communicate new orders to different units and be assured that they'll respond in the correct manner,' he says. 'This means the AI has to be really competent, or the whole thing just falls apart. The player's got to be able to rely on his units to follow orders, although sometimes mistakes will be made just to keep the whole thing realistic.'

You're under orders

M1 Tank Platoon Download Free

As the commander, players will be able to send detailed orders to each platoon or to individual tanks, and instruct them when to hold position, evade or engage the enemy, change formation, and call in air support in the shape of A-10s or combat helicopters. In an attempt to encourage the player to look at their war effort on a grander scale, units wilt actually improve with the more action they see, while vehicles that are damaged will need repairing before they can be used for further missions.

M1 Tank Platoon Ii Download

If you're thinking it could get rather complicated and messy, you'll be pleased to heat that a training mode will be included where players can learn to control an MI A2, shoot properly, develop tactics, etc, There will also be a rather flash multimedia bit that you can delve into to get information on the numerous vehicles and weapons featured in the game.

M1 Tank Platoon Ii Download

All this, along with multi-player support over a LAN or via the Internet, and Scott's assurance that it's going to be the 'best tank sim ever', should be enough to convince fans of the original and tank fans that MI Tank Platoon 2 will be more than worth a look when it's released later this year.

Overall rating: 6.5